We are happy to announce the new formal release,, of our OpenResty web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT.

Download this version here.

The (portable) source code distribution, the Win32/Win64 binary distributions, and the pre-built binary Linux packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Alpine, OpenSUSE, Amazon Linux are provided on this Download page.

Version highlights

The highlights of this release candidate are:

  • Based on a very recent mainline NGINX core 1.19.9.
  • Many fixes imported from Mike Pall’s upstream LuaJIT repository.
  • Introduce a new macro LUAJIT_TEST_FIXED_ORDERfor fixed-order traversal of lua tables.
  • When lua failed in requesting memory, instead of graceful shutdown, abort() is called.
  • Now the get_ctx_table supports using the ctx table from caller, and that will reduce the cost of creating a new ctx table.
  • Fixed the bug that the metatable was not cleared when clearing the content of lua table when using lua-tablepool.
  • For a better performance when using lua-tablepool, discard the objects when the pool size is larger than the max_pool_size.
  • Implemented ngx.process API API for stream subsystem.

Full Changelog

Complete change logs since the last (formal) release,, see:



Special thanks go to all our developers and contributors! Also thanks Junlong Li, and Jiahao Wang for their help in preparing this release.


Feedback on this release is more than welcome. Feel free to create new GitHub issues or send emails to one of our mailing lists.

Alpine 3.14 official release

We have also added the official OpenResty binary repository for Alpine 3.14, both x86_64 and arm64. Please see https://openresty.org/en/linux-packages.html for more details.